Tips: how to play Overwatch

You can advise the game in Overwatch – to make out all the heroes and their tricks, arrange a tour of the cards, for example – but it will take a lot of time. And to study these things yourself is still much more interesting than to read about them about them.

I wanted to prepare a slightly more general material that will warn beginners from those mistakes that beginners make almost always, and make the game more pleasant for them and for their team. So I did.

Who to play for?

In fact, it is worth playing for everyone. This is one of the main ideas of Overwatch: you have more than two dozen heroes, and each is convenient in different situations. Here we will not disassemble every case – it is better to find out such things in practice. It is better to focus on how best to play, so that practice passes as smoothly as possible.

Playing for some heroes (McCry, Traise, Widow, Handzo), you will perform the better, the more you have the experience of playing shooters. In the game for others, you can benefit by simply making the right decisions at the right time. And if without the ability to shoot often it turns out to somehow get out, then without understanding the situation in Overwatch simply in any way.

Therefore, the new players want to say this.

Do not play for the bastion

Seriously. If you are advised to play for the bastion, “because it is the easiest”, drive the grief-setting with rags. Do not get fooled. This is a rotten provocation, because of which there are so many bad bastions in public games.

Just play for the bastion – lay out in the turret, clamp the firing button and fragments – but this is the same as its main problem. More than once, the robot has eaten in the aisle will only work against completely hopeless opponents. And you yourself are unlikely to learn something in the process, except that you will see a couple of times as experienced guys fight with novice bastions like you. This is not so difficult, we will still see.

Good bastion – the one who managed to feel other heroes and represents well when you need to get up and dump. Without playing before all the others, you will not get this performance.

If you start from scratch, take the doctors

Healers – perfect first choice. So you can still kill (I know, you want it), but at the same time you will bring the team much more benefit than another mediocre bastion, and to absorb critical skills along the way.

Angel , What should always be provided next to the right ally at the right time, makes you look around and understand the movement of the team on the fly. But at the same time, she alone can lead the team to victory with a successfully resurrected resurrection.

Zenyatta kills, moreover, kills better than many. However, because of his awkwardness, he needs to learn how to feel the map and location of enemies on it, so as not to be under sniper fire or in some gateway, from where Buddhist with the living balls cannot get out.

Lucio With its speed and running along the walls, it teaches to impudate and act on the nerves. But he should not break away too much from his team so as not to lose the opportunity to reach her with his attending and accelerating auras.

Finally, if you treat the one who plays better than you, you can always observe what smart things he does and take something note.

If you understand something, lean on the "tanks"

If you want not to support, but to lead behind itself (which in itself is the most important skill that needs to be pumped), almost all the “tanks” work well.

Good start – Winston. You do not need to be a well-aimed with him (his tesla-gun is led to the next goals itself), but it is vital to measure your strength and break into battle when it will really be. The temptation is always great to jump with a fat gorilla into the center of the enemy team … and ingloriously die before it turns out at least someone to scare. Winston teaches to catch the moment, look for opportunities and competently play them.

The same is good Rainhardt , But his work is not to make a noise in the enemy rear, but to stand with the team and cover it with yourself. However, with his rude force, it is also worth it to break away from time to time. As soon as you train the endurance and cease to live a gearing jerk whenever he rolled up, you will become a little better – like a player and as a person.

And yes, Winston is very cool to jump from one end of the card to the other, and Rainhardt – scatter every trifle. Do not think that they are some kinds of bores.

If you are a king, don't bother

Do not read guides. Take a widow and hang quacks in flight.

(Do not do this. Stop.)

What should be learned – globally

Heroes need to be changed

Let's talk this again: different heroes are suitable for different situations. Snipers themselves can kill anyone from afar, but at an hour by a teaspoon, and if there are too many of them in the team, then there will simply be no one to capture objects – an attacking team needs a strong assault nucleus. For example, Sold-76 and Farra in conjunction with dawn … on which the enemy team can respond with a protective screen Rainhardt. Than to open it? Reaper and tracer can get around from the rear.

You are McCry, and you are nervous, a widow sitting on the roof? Next time, return the genji running along the walls and punish it. This is a normal party move. Teams choose heroes, one succeeds, the second is regrouped, changing the composition, the first reacts and rolls out its answer, the second answers again – and so on.

You can often do without replacements and just try again. But if you haven’t succeeded in a fifth minute in a row, maybe really should be replaced by a hero? And for the sake of the whole saint, do not take another sniper if there are already two of them in your team. No matter how nice it is to play for them, Handzo and a widow are narrow specialists. There should not be a lot of them.

Bastion – not "IMBA"

Beginners most often complain about bastion, but they are very rarely played at high levels. Why so?

The problem of this hero is this: he is capable of a lot with a minimum of effort spent – the turret does a huge damage, and it really does not need to aim with it. But the bastion is very easy to neutral if you know how.

Bastion immobility – its main weakness. If it has decomposed in open space, it is easy to mow it from afar with sniper fire, zenyatta spheres or Farra missiles. If you hide behind the wall, the rat -lady of rat grenades will help. You can generally get point -blank by playing Genji, and turn on his reflection of bullets – if the bastion is a fool, then he will shoot himself. If he hid behind Rainhardt’s shield, seep through and hang a sticky tracer bomb, for example.

This is not to mention coordinated efforts-when someone distracts the turret, and someone sharpens her vulnerable rear. Bad bastions do not live against a smart team not long even under the guise of friends. At the same time, a good bastion, constantly changing the position and finding himself where they are not waiting for him, is much more serious, but it is solved the same way. This is a “very situational” hero who really shines infrequently.

Health, armor and shields – different things

Let's bring this moment to the basics. Heroes of heroes are three colors. White is ordinary, it is restored only by first -aid kits and treating skills (one angel is automatically treated itself). Blue – shields that begin to make up for three seconds after the last receipt of damage. Dzenyatt and dawn of a significant part of a strip of health make up just shields, and this helps them recover after skirmishes without any help.

The third type of health is armor, it is yellow. All damage Exclusive Casino sister sites on it is reduced by five units or cut off by half if the blow would take less than ten health points. This is not so important when it comes to powerful, but slow weapons (150 units of damage from the charged hit of the widow minus 5 – 145 remains), but it hit the automatic guns very much. So, the damage tracer is cut almost half!

The armor is consumed before health, but after the shields, and is replenished with treatment if, by default, the hero is “included in the complete set” of the hero (but the armor distributed by the Torbjorn is not returned). A lot of armor is usually in "tanks", especially d.Va. Not the worst compensation for large trunks that are easy to get to.


The worst idea is to play Overwatch without sound. There are no minicars here, but the cards are quite complicated, and it is easy to hide in an enemy saboteur in them. Therefore, it remains to navigate by sound. By shouts of the heroes, by steps, by the noise of weapons and everything else, you can learn a lot about the situation on the field. If you hear the characteristic “death nearby” somewhere on top and behind, do not pretend that nothing happened-you are guaranteed to get from a cut into the back of the head.

Need to shoot

Another thing obvious for the shooters, but it should also be disassembled.

Overwatch enters the head, two times more damage – and this is a lot. Not from all weapons, you can make headshot (Farra missiles, Hammer Rainhardt, Winston Lightning, Ray Symmeters – it is easy to catch logic), but for the same snipers they are the basis of the foundations, since they allow you to kill almost all the heroes (not counting the “tanks”) from one hits. A trifle like a tracer also becomes a threatening strong, as soon as he realizes where enemies have a weak place.

This moment is balanced by the fact that almost everyone here has very small heads, but it should not be easily in this game and should not be. Train. At the end of June, rank matches will be included – and you need to be prepared for this!

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